2015 Easter Retail Sales

Easter retail season is upon the United States and sales should spike this week. Here is what the National Retail Federation has projected for Easter sales:

80% of Americans said they plan to celebrate the Easter holiday this year by doling out an average $140.62 per person, up 2.3% from a year ago. Spending this Easter is expected to top $16.4 billion, up from $15.8 billion last year.

Here is a breakdown of the spending:

New clothes – $2.9 billion
Food – $5.3 billion
Candy – $2.2 billion
Gifts – $2.4 billion
Flowers – $1.1 billion
Decorations – $998 million
Greeting cards – $695 million

To this blogger, here is what my money will be spent on….


H\T TheCityWire.com